Core Beliefs
We believe that abundant life can be found as followers of Jesus. Jesus wants that full life for those He created. For those who choose to accept the free gift God has offered through His only son, Jesus Christ. Jesus bridges the gap that was formed at the beginning of time, way back in the Garden of Eden when man acted against God’s will for mankind and offended God’s perfect character. Because God’s character is perfect and holy, it requires a perfect and holy one to stand in that gap to get us back in God’s favor. That perfect and holy one is Jesus. We need to admit that we have offended God’s character and ask Jesus to bridge that gap for us. Once we do that, Jesus has us covered before God.
At WMBC we believe you can have that full and abundant life through faith in Christ’s forgiveness, and forever after following Christ’s example. In following His example we hope to help meet people’s physical needs, spiritual needs, and offer them hope in a future lived for Christ, and with Christ’s power and providence. We trust that we can always talk with God through prayer. And that the privilege of prayer is powerful in moving God’s hand to meet needs, offer comfort, get us through problems and sickness through His strength and not our own.
We believe in family, forming lasting friendships, taking time for fellowship and fun. Jesus came to meet people where they were and we hope to do the same.
If you have questions about other WMBC beliefs you can reach us by mail, phone, or email all found on our Homepage. You can also connect with us through our Decision tab.
At WMBC we believe you can have that full and abundant life through faith in Christ’s forgiveness, and forever after following Christ’s example. In following His example we hope to help meet people’s physical needs, spiritual needs, and offer them hope in a future lived for Christ, and with Christ’s power and providence. We trust that we can always talk with God through prayer. And that the privilege of prayer is powerful in moving God’s hand to meet needs, offer comfort, get us through problems and sickness through His strength and not our own.
We believe in family, forming lasting friendships, taking time for fellowship and fun. Jesus came to meet people where they were and we hope to do the same.
If you have questions about other WMBC beliefs you can reach us by mail, phone, or email all found on our Homepage. You can also connect with us through our Decision tab.
There is only one God who reveals Himself and exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is all-knowing, and all powerful. He is the Creator of the Universe and the Redeemer of man.
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, was born of the virgin, Mary, is fully God, and was fully man. Jesus lived a sinless life though tempted as we are tempted. He suffered and died in our place as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind, was buried, arose bodily from the grave, and ascended into Heaven.
Holy Spirit
We believe that God the Holy Spirit is active in convincing unbelievers of their need for salvation. He cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, and bestows the spiritual gifts by which the believer serves God through His church.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God without any error, the sole authority for life and faith. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to man.
We believe that man is a special creation of God, made in His image, but by his free choice, man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race, and fell from his original innocence. All men are sinners and need salvation. “There is none righteous, no not one.”
We believe that Salvation is a gift received through faith in Jesus Christ – that He died on our behalf and in our place for the forgiveness of our sins. Salvation results ultimately in eternal life in heaven with Christ.
We believe that each believer has direct access to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.